Laurianne Fiorentino

-Laurianne FiorentinoIt's like a coat I can put on or a carpet I can ride or a dream I can revisit.
Episode .03 ∙ Laurianne Fiorentino
Resonance is an agreement of attitude, an agreement of emotion and an agreement of certain properties or facts of existence and the resonance among human beings is a palpable thing that can be encouraged.
Is it like watching a between two people express through sound? Like watching two people hang out and almost talk together and they’re discovering new things to talk about as they talk, so one thing leads to another.
It's still a creative endeavor. It's still creation, it's still synthesizing, it's still becoming, so I'm not tired of it yet.

I remember my mother asking me how long was I going to give this music thing? But she gave me music when I was three and four years old. My mother loved music and she used to give me LPs, 78s and 33s that had music from around the world, like LPs with music, children, singing in 10 different languages on the LP and children’s songs and stories and I was just fascinated with that. There were stories on records too. There was a Bugs Bunny, Mel Blanc, Bugs Bunny and the Grow-Small Juice. So she kind of entrained me into a world of music, and how long was I going give it? I didn’t know life without music.
And at one point she said to me, “Laurie, anybody can have kids, but look what you are doing.” “What is it that you see me doing?” She goes, “Well, you’re traveling and you’re writing music,” and it was the first time she really acknowledged that she was proud of me and she was excited about what I was doing.

Laurianne Fiorentino
LAURIA From Santa Fe New Mexico (aka Laurianne Fiorentino), originally from Northampton MA - delivers a musical experience bordering on ritual and ceremony. Nominated for Artist Of The Year by the Nat’l Acad. Of Songwriters (LA), Critics’Choice at NXNE (Toronto) and FolKrawl (Memphis), and festival hit at The First Southern Roots & Blues Festival (Tasmania, Australia). Winner of The Best Song of 2017 (When I'm An Angel) , Silver Medal Global Music Award (Simple As The Sun), and Jazz Song of 2017 (Fire Like You) from Lauria's kickstarter-funded CD When I'm An Angel. Lauria's Bamboo flute, harmonica, and invented vocal music has been included in movie and live theater soundtracks.