Ceci Tchakounte Tadfor
Recipes for Connection

Ceci TadforI always feel like if you enjoy doing something, it's easy to explain it to other people. And food is something I've always enjoyed doing and I feel confident doing it. So I felt it was an easy answer for me. That wholeness for me is the fact that food is something that is always right.
Episode .10 ∙ Ceci Tchakounte Tadfor

Ceci Tchakounte Tadfor
Ceci grew up in Cameroon in a small town called Buea. It was the capital of former West Cameroon which was at the time ruled by the Germans and then later the British and the French. Buea is a very refreshing climate with the beautiful Mount Cameroon mountain looking down on the town and the people. Her maternal grandmother (affectionately and admirably referred to by her praise name, Mami Ncha), raised me. Whenever she was not at the farm or at the market, she was in the kitchen cooking. She watched her every move and always wanted to help. She would give me the chore of getting the spices and ingredients ready for the food she was going to cook. As Ceci grew older, she would often have the food ready by the time she returned from the farm or the market where she would sometimes sell her produce. It made her happy because she was so impressed. By observing and helping Mami Ncha in the kitchen as much as she could, she developed a true passion for cooking. She takes great pleasure in introducing Cameroonian cuisine here in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It is her hope that her blog and upcoming cookbook will help spread the word about the good tastes of African cuisine as well as many other ethnic food favorites around the world.